AAPSE Committee Round-Up Webinar
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 2:30 p.m. CDT / 3:30 p.m. EDT Join us for this lively activity that will present the current AAPSE committees and offer opportunities to engage, ask questions, and get the "how to" on joining a committee! Committees will "meet and greet" with...
AAPSE Certification & Training Academy Pre-Game Webinar Series Recordings
Each 90-minute session introduced a fundamental topic and Q&A. Various organizations highlighted, explaining how they interact with AAPSE and how they can provide various needs for your program. Highly encouraged for those attending the face to face C&T...
AAPSE National Conference in Savannah, GA – July 26-28, 2023
AAPSE's 30th Anniversary National Conference in Savannah, Georgia! This Year's theme "Game On: The Power of Winning Together" kicks off with a multi-faceted pest tour experience, meeting with local pest management experts and ending with a scenic boat cruise on the...
AAPSE Celebrates 30 Years!
The AAPSE Charter was signed by members on April 14, 1993 during the New Orleans PACT workshop. This charter is the one we have always shown the membership, but two years earlier members signed a charter developed to establish a...
Applications Open! AAPSE Certification & Training Academy in Savannah, GA – July 24-25, 2023
The AAPSE Certification and Training Academy will train those new to pesticide regulations and safety education at universities, state lead agencies, tribal nations, and industry. The Academy will include history, relevant issues, and available resources while...
Southern Region AAPSE Annual Conference in Jacksonville, FL – June 4-8, 2023
Pesticide safety education coordinators from the southern states and several state regulatory authorities gather to discuss updates and trends in pesticide safety education and regulation. The event consists of multiple training sessions, lectures, an off-site tour,...
AAPSE Certification & Training Academy Pre-Game Webinar Series
Join us for a series of webinars. Each 90-minute session introduces a fundamental topic leaving ample time for Q&A. Various organizations will be highlighted, explaining how they interact with AAPSE and how they can provide various needs for your program. Highly...
EPA Opens Public Comment Period on Proposal to Register a New Mosquito Repellent Product
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting public comments on its proposal to register the first outdoor product containing the insecticide transfluthrin. The proposed product, which is a wax pod containing dissolved transfluthrin, would be used to...
Save the Date! AAPSE National Conference in Savannah, GA – July 26-28, 2023
Hotel Information The Kimpton Brice Hotel and Conference Center in Savannah, GA is a boutique hotel embodying classic southern charm while maintaining a professional atmosphere with superior service. The hotel is offering some amazing benefits and perks for our...
Save the Date! AAPSE Certification & Training Academy in Savannah, GA – July 24-25, 2023
The AAPSE Certification and Training Academy will train those new to pesticide regulations and safety education at universities, state lead agencies, tribal nations, and industry. The Academy will include history, relevant issues, and available resources while...